Bethel Lutheran Preschool


Bethel Preschool’s goal is to provide a meaningful early childhood education experience where each child is nurtured to learn, develop and grow as a child of God. The program offers a choice of either a two- or four-day program for three year-olds. The Pre-Kindergarten program for four year-olds is four days per week.

2-Day Program: Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays

4-Day Program: Monday through Thursday

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Registration for the New School Year

We will begin the registration process for the next school year on the first Monday in February.

  • The 3-4 year old class has enrollment options of M/W, T/Th, or M-Th

  • The pre-K class runs M-Th

Both classes will be in session from 9:00-1:00

To enroll call Tina at (719) 351-8781, or email to set up a tour and have questions answered.

A registration fee and a registration form needs to be completed to reserve a spot in a classroom. A packet of paperwork, that includes physical form, shot record, calendar, and other needed paperwork will be mailed in July and needs to be turned in no later than the open house in August.